
Sunday, March 17, 2013

8 Steps to Weiser Living (Part 4)

A Life of Health & Harmony

Are you getting the nutrients you need? Are you exposed to environmental toxins? Are you stressed? Harmony is a concept used to describe how the body’s physiology is genetically programmed to integrate and function as a unified system. To understand these further, consider for a minute your body as an automobile. The modern car is designed to run on certain raw materials. Once each individual system has been given the components it uses to do its job, then the end goal is for the car to be driven from point A to point B.  But for the car to actually start, run and be driven, all of its systems must work together in “HARMONY”.

For example: If you fill the gas tank, but the gasoline is never delivered to the engine, then the car simply isn’t going anywhere.

Fortunately, the car comes from the factory designed to do this on its own; therefore, we simply need to make sure it gets what it needs as well as perform the routine maintenance. The car is “preprogrammed” to do the rest.

Can you see how this concept of “HARMONY” applies to the human body and its systems (respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular system, urinary system, hormonal system, muscular system, nervous system, etc.)?

The human body is considerably more complex than your average automobile. But much like the car, the body’s systems must work in harmony for us to actually function properly. Fortunately, the body is naturally programmed within the DNA to perform in this manner. Therefore, although it may seem arbitrary to highlight this concept in such detail, understanding this “HARMONY” is paramount because it illustrates the fact that all systems in the body must be properly supported.

No individual system is necessarily more or less important than another. One system’s task may even rely directly upon the proper function of another system.  This interconnected nature of how the human functions should always be considered when making wellness choices.

For example: Vitamin/mineral and antioxidant supplements have become commonplace today. But these alone provide only two categories of the nutrients our bodies require.  Would you supply your car with only the gas and oil and expect it to run properly? Of course not, and your body certainly deserves the same respect.  The point is this: To attain this harmony, we cannot be selective about which systems we choose to support and which we do not.

Each of us is empowered with the ability to make healthy choices for ourselves and some of us even have the power to make healthy choices for our families as well. Start today by designing your wellness plan. The body has trillions of cells so feeding the body at the cellular level is by no means an overnight process. This process builds over time until the whole body has been replenished. Therefore, give your body enough time to naturally begin to function with the nutrition provided in your Wellness Plan. By committing to following your Wellness Plan for at least 6 months you are giving yourself the best chance of success. A Wellness Plan can be organized into 3 main categories:

·        Lifestyle
·         Environmental Intake
·         Dietary Supplementation


·         What is the quality, quantity and consistency of your sleep?
·         How much exercise did you really get today—enough to raise your heart rate or make you sweat?
·         How much time did you really devote to yourself today?
Now add some questions that have more specific significance to you and post this list in a place where you will see it to serve as a constant reminder to answer them on a regular basis.

Environmental Intake

A wellness plan is not only about what we put in but, also, what we try to leave out. Things like artificial sweeteners, pesticides and other man-made chemicals are detrimental to the body and they may accumulate over time. Unfortunately, some toxins are simply unavoidable in today’s environment. A good rule of thumb is: “If it is man-made or isn’t available from nature, then avoid or limit its use to a minimum”.

·         Eat whole, vine ripened, unprocessed foods
·         Choose natural beverages or water over carbonated sodas
·         Prepare foods using options like natural sugar or unbleached flour as opposed to their counterparts.
·         Incorporate raw fruits and vegetables to preserve the nutrients lost during cooking.

Dietary Supplementation

Research is increasingly showing that no matter how well we eat, we should not rely on food alone for our nutritional needs. We should supplement our diet. Dietary supplements are without a doubt the most efficient way to provide the body with the nutrition lacking from our modern diets. But don’t be fooled! Not all supplements are created equal! Today’s health food store shelves are flooded with an overwhelming number of dietary supplement products and there is no clear way to discern which products are actually useful or which are even safe! Here is a short overview of the information needed for you to make educated decisions when designing a Supplementation Plan.

·         What is the quality of the nutrient source?
·         Is it plant based?
·         What are the plants’ growing conditions?
·         How are the nutrients derived from the source?
·         How are they stabilized and standardized?
·         What is the nutrient complex or combination of ingredients in the product?
·         Has the complex been tested to identify if the nutrients play well together?
·         Is the nutrient content consistent from one unit to the next?
·         Does the product actually contain what the label on the bottle suggests?
·         How does the manufacturer test to ensure product safety and efficacy?

·         There are many other factors to consider including, Standardization, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines, NSF Certification, Gluten Free, Kosher etc.
Manufacturing safe and effective supplements is a complicated and demanding assignment. Nutrition is a science.  If a company truly intends to deliver a quality product to the consumer, these as well as many other factors must be considered priority.

Here are some questions to ask in order to determine how trustworthy a nutritional company is.

·         Does the company adhere to GMP’s?
·         What priority does the company put on Research and Development (R&D)?
·         Does the company have a dedicated laboratory/research budget?
·         Does the company have published studies?
·         Does the company have published research on product absorption rates/efficacy?
·         Does the company have published “third party” research on their products?
·         Is the research subject to “peer review”?
·         What is their reputation within the scientific community?
·         Does the company employ a dedicated Science Board?
·         How reputable/qualified are the company’s doctors and researchers?

None of the above points can be overlooked. Not all science is good science. Government agencies are making great progress at raising industry standards but ultimately, your health is YOUR responsibility. Become an informed consumer. Choose only whole-food supplements that you are supremely confident will meet your body’s nutritional needs.

Paracelsus and Hippocrates, both considered fathers of medical science, believed that good health relied upon the “HARMONY” of man and nature. Over the past 2,000 years, science and technology have evolved, but this principle remains as true today as it was then. Advances in science have recently been able to shed new light on how the human body functions at the cellular level. And through this, science is now beginning to fulfill these scholar’s age-old philosophy of wellness. Hopefully, you have a greater understanding of how to maintain this harmony between man and nature as you continue in your quest for optimal health.

 This can seem like a daunting task even with these important guidelines. It is important to note that a wellness plan is not simply a generic outline of a nutritional regimen. Because we are all unique individuals with varying lifestyles, some aspects of your Wellness Plan should be tailored with respect to your personal needs. If you desire more help with your 8 Steps to Weiser Living and your Personalized Weiser Wellness Plan, go the contact us page at and schedule a consultation. We are here to help!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

8 Steps to Weiser Living (Part 3)

How to Move From Chronic Illness to Abundant Health

In the last 2 weeks we started talking about the 8 Steps to Weiser Living. So far we have covered the first 5 Steps...

If you haven't read them click here for Part 1 and here for Part 2.

Meanwhile, let's move on to Step 6: Hydration!

6. Hydration

Our bodies are composed predominately of water. 

  • Blood is approximately 90% water
  • Muscles approximately 75% water
  • Bones are approximately 22% water

Proper hydration is critical to every system of the human body. Water is used to facilitate:

  1. Chemical action
  2. Cleansing action
  3. Aid digestion
  4. For lubrication of joints
  5. To transport oxygen to our cells
  6. Support proper lung function
  7. Cellular regeneration

Dehydration can have dire consequences and can even be fatal. Chronic dehydration is becoming an increasing relevant concern with today's lifestyles, with soft drinks and juices being preferred to plain filtered water (pH 6-8).

The latest scientific research concerning the condition of our water table is not encouraging. Even with the BEST water filtration methods available, there are still traces of chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs that cannot be filtered out. 

Distilled water should NOT be consumed for hydration. Distillation removes important minerals used by the body. Clean filtered water (pH 6-8) or Spring water is extremely vital to the overall support of the human body. We should consume approximately 50% of our body's weight in ounces of good clean filtered water - not distilled - each day. For example; 200 lbs of body weight = 100 ounces (or 3 liters) of filtered water per day.

7. Body Fitness

With our modern conveniences and lifestyle, it will be fair to say that today's overall energy requirement of physical output is greatly reduced. Physical output is ESSENTIAL to the body for optimal wellness and for this reason (exercise) has been created to fill the void. Thousands of years ago, man had no need for this concept because it was a natural part of daily existence. That was much like the fact that they had no need for dietary supplements because the nutrients were naturally provided by the food they ate. 

When our bodies perform regular exercise, we receive tremendous benefits in how we look and feel and in out overall health. That includes the following:

  • Increase in lung capacity
  • Strengthening muscles
  • Helping the body to flush out toxins
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Improving mood
  • Burning more calories and lowering % of body fat.
  • Helping you fall asleep faster
  • Increasing bone density

Routine physical exercise plays a crucial role in the health of every system in the body. Exercise keeps everything working the way it was designed and should be considered mandatory. 

  • Develop and maintain a practical weight management strategy that limits excessive calorie intake. 
  • Focus on eating healthy balanced meals instead of fad-dieting or consuming harmful diet pills. 
  • Use Real Food Technology Solutions to supplement the diet.
  • Focus on loosing inches, not pounds, because muscle weighs more that fat. 
  • Incorporate bio-active whey protein peptides into the diet. 

Stay tuned for next weeks final point; Harmony!